Remote Controller Assembly

About this product

The Remote Controller Assembly (#86170-45010) is a crucial auto part in Toyota's Electrical Camera & Rear Monitor Display system, Electrical Navigation & Front Monitor Display system, and Electrical Radio Receiver & Amplifier & Condenser system. It facilitates seamless operation of these systems, enhancing both efficiency and safety. The controller assembly communicates the driver's inputs to the respective systems, enabling functionality. As such, the Remote Controller Assembly (#86170-45010) may wear and tear over time, and could lead to inefficient performance of the aforementioned systems if not replaced timely. A possible scenario could be delayed responses or even unresponsiveness, impacting the overall driving experience and potentially compromising safety. Opting for genuine Toyota parts not only ensures vehicle compatibility but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Remote Controller Assembly (#86170-45010) significantly contributes to the safe and efficient operation of the systems it is installed in.